Launching Again: Why I Embarked on My Second Education Venture at 28

Donovan Forrest
3 min readFeb 27, 2024
Founder and CEO of Subfindr, Inc., Donovan Forrest, radiating enthusiasm and vision as he proudly dons the Subfindr logo on his branded polo shirt.

By Donovan Forrest

As a novice high school teacher at a Philadelphia charter school during the tumultuous 2020–2021 school year, I faced challenges that tested my resolve in ways I never imagined. Balancing the demands of teaching with a chronic disorder, I found myself frequently grappling with bouts of absence, impacting both my professional duties and personal well-being. Yet, amidst the turbulence, I discovered a profound sense of gratitude for the unwavering support of my colleagues, whose solidarity ensured that my students maintained stability despite the challenges I faced.

I founded and led a one-on-one mentoring/tutoring organization for four years during my undergraduate years. Matching college students of color from my local public university with their high school counterparts, I cultivated a supportive community dedicated to academic excellence and personal growth. This experience inspired me to start an agency that would give similar assistance and support to students. I recognized a shortage of substitute teachers in my charter school’s network and believed a dedicated agency could fill the gap and ensure students received educational continuity. The result was Subfindr, Inc., an innovative agency that connects schools with qualified and diverse guest teachers and guarantees a quality education for students even during the absence of their teacher.

But my journey started elsewhere. My entrepreneurial spirit was ignited at the tender age of 20 when I embarked on my first venture with nothing but a dollar and a dream. Using my last paycheck from a seasonal retail job at the Banana Republic Factory store, I invested in the domain for my first agency, a bold leap into entrepreneurship that would shape my trajectory in unforeseen ways.

Driven by a passion for projects and an innate desire for agency over my life’s work, I navigated the complexities of starting and running my first agency with determination and grit. However, my journey was not without its hurdles. Dealing with depression regularly, I found solace in the knowledge that I possessed some degree of control over how I spent my time and resources. This sense of autonomy brought me balance and stability amid life’s uncertainties.

Driven by a passion for projects and an innate desire for agency over my life’s work, I navigated the complexities of starting nd running my first agency with determination and grit.

Fast forward to the present, at 28 years old, I embark on a new chapter in my entrepreneurial journey — the launch of my second education venture. Drawing upon my experiences as a teacher, entrepreneur, and mentor, I am driven by a steadfast commitment to making a meaningful impact in education. Armed with lessons learned from past successes and failures, I approach this new venture with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

For me, launching again is not just about building a business; it’s about realizing a vision of empowerment and transformation in the world of education. It’s about creating opportunities for students to thrive despite their challenges. It’s about embracing the journey, with all its ups and downs, and emerging more robust and resilient on the other side.

For me, launching again is not just about building a business; it’s about realizing a vision of empowerment and transformation in the world of education.

As I embark on this new chapter, I carry with me the lessons of my past and the unwavering belief that anything is possible with dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to embrace change. So here’s to launching again — may this new venture be filled with growth, learning, and endless possibilities.

